Jennifer Connell Retires after 20 Years
It is with wistful sadness for our loss, but with happiness and good wishes for Jennifer Connell on her retirement from Clark + Green. After working two decades as our colleague, she has helped to shape our office as a community of designers and architects. She exemplifies a constant striving for high quality design work and continually creates logical, understandable organization out of the perpetual chaos that naturally pervades a design office. She has strong opinions that were usually correct and she reminded us that great design ideas won't succeed without the incorporation of the necessary, practical components of a residence or business. She always applied her numerous skills and talents to the benefit of our office and our work. Her energy and buoyant humor has lifted the office mood and is infectious. Most times she made us feel like a family and encouraged us to treat each other as such. She was, at the end of the day, a friend to each of us, especially when we needed one. Life goes on, our office will always appreciate the time that Jennifer worked with us and we congratulate her on her well-deserved retirement after 20 years of dealing with a bunch of hooligans like us! Fortunately, she's tolerant and therefore with her strength and talent in area such as color design, commercial interior design and specifications, she has agreed to still work with us on a consulting basis. So our wistful sadness is thereby somewhat dissipated.